SAV Madame Pride 0412 is a Pioneer daughter out of the legendary S A V Madame Pride 0075, who served in the SAV program for 18 years and produced $5.3 million on progeny averaging nearly $35,000. Her famous sons include Registry, Response, Hopper Bottom, Supercharger, and the $1.51 million dollar world-record selling AMERICA.
0412 produced S A V Infusion 4247, who was the $40,000 feature in the 2015 SAV sale and scanned a 365-day ribeye of 19.5 inches. Her daughter, S A V Madame Pride 3304, is the #1 ribeye cow in the SAV herd and serves as a 7th generation embryo donor. 0412 is a remarkable female- super feminine, long-fronted, wedge-shaped, and angular. What dreams are made of!!!